About Me

Who Even Am I?

Hey there! I’m Nicole, though I often write under the moniker N. Alysha Lewis. (You may have guessed that from my URL!)

I’m a Texas transplant living my dream in Maine by way of a four-year pit stop in Boston. I’m married to a supernerd, and I have a truly insane chiweenie named Marlowe.

Look at these cuties. Though mostly Marlowe, obviously

What Am I About?

Reading + Music + Watching TV / Movies + French Fries + Root Beer + Word Play

What Will You Find Here?

Personal essays, some pop culture analysis, occasionally some fiction or poetry.

I tend to write a lot about mental health, as I grapple with several disorders. But, I usually try to find the humor in it. Sometimes it gets real, but such is life. I also write about my relationship with said husband, which some people find fascinating and others want us to stop rubbing it in their faces. We’re not actively trying to rub faces; we just enjoy spending time together.

Sometimes, there will just be random stuff, but it’ll all be stuff I write.

Where Can You Find Me?

On Twitter! @bibli0pHage

I also have a poorly managed blog with my husband, Married with Bookshelves. You can find us on Twitter too! @BookishCouple

I ALSO have a podcast with my best friend, Two Nighstands. You can find us on Twitter too! @Two_Nightstands

Anything Else?

No . . . I don’t think so. Enjoy yourself!